Nov 21, 2007

turducken -- wiki-style, with a side of mashed potatoes

I'm celebrating Thanksgiving this year by. . . going to work at 7 am. But then, when I'm done with that, I'm heading over to Joe and Bev's house. Joe and Bev are a fabulous couple from my church who have invited me over to join their family for Thanksgiving dinner. They also have invited my roommate and I over for dinner once a week ever since I moved here (in exchange, I am their "coffee dealer," as well as spitting in Joe's morning Starbucks brewed coffee whenever I happen to be working mornings as part of his vip customer status).

Apparently we are having something called "turducken" for dinner -- it is a turkey, stuffed with a duck, and then stuffed with a chicken inside of the duck, with layers of stuffing in between each meat.

I decided to hop on over to Wikipedia for more info on the subject, and also since my roommate's gone and I'm really, really bored.

"Turducken -- Wikipedia"

The article also mentions other offshoots of the dish, many I wouldn't know how to begin to pronounce (turgooponducheasanishuail? bustergophechiduckneaealcockidgeoverwingailusharkoolanbler????). And let's not forget whole stuffed camel, sure to be a hit at your next Christmas office party.

But my heartiest congratulations (and laughter) go out to Peter "Pookie" Thornhill, who invented the "turdbutt" -- a pork shoulder (aka a Boston butt), inside a duck, inside a turkey. Oh, to leave such a legacy for my own children.

On a sidenote, also mentioned in the Wiki article was this clip from the Daily Show describing Turduqen, a delicious new solution to the current tensions between Turkey and Iraq.

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Blogger Dusterdw said...

I'm teaching English in Luxor this week.... Sorry I missed your call.
The nuns where I'm staying put on a "thansgiving feast" for me. It was cute. They had no idea what to do but they knew that turkey was invovled. Unable to locate a turkey in the desert of Egypt they resorted to chicken. Knowing that potatos are served at thanksgiving they bought some potato chips and served those along as using them as garnash to sprinkle over the chicken. Plus we had several common egyptian dishes. "Th" sounds are hard for Egyptians and so they just called it Dustin's Feast instead of Thanksgiving. Thanks for the attempt at a "video conf" call. I got a kick out of that while sitting in the internet cafe down the street.

4:52:00 AM  

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