Nov 8, 2007

Too Little, Too Late

APU Backs Stephen Colbert's (now defunct) Campaign for the Presidency . . . sort of

In my literary internet ramblings recently I happened to stumble across this article from the LA Times about Stephen Colbert running for president in South Carolina. I was surprised, to say the least, to see the ad off to the right of the page -- look closely at this screenshot I took (if you follow the link directly to the article, the title of the article has been updated since I read it, but the articles are the same).
Do you see it? That's right -- our own Free Methodist Azusa Pacific University. If I didn't know it was probably just a coincidence in advertising, I'd say it was a clear challenge to our other FM institutions -- get with the times, kids. There is no bad publicity! Unfortunately, it was too little, too late for Colbert, who, despite the numerous prayers of hundreds of APU students, was denied a spot on the South Carolina ballot by the state's Democratic party, crushing the only chance during this campaign year for having debates actually worth watching.

This recent discovery reminded me of a time a few months back when I was watching a rerun of House on the USA network, and a commercial break told me that this particular rebroadcasting of House had been made possible by the United Methodist Church (I am not joking about this one). Apparently God is a big Hugh Laurie fan.

Clearly, this is a bandwagon the church needs to hop onto! Pretty soon, denominations across the US could be sponsoring Super Bowl ads, private spacecraft, and reruns of all kinds.

Jesus, who was too busy weeping over the pervasive consumerism plaguing Christianity, was not available to comment.

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