Nov 13, 2007

Happy Belated Blogiversary

Dear Bloggie,

Hey friend! I noticed tonight that, as of last month, we have now been together for over two years. Happy Belated Blogiversary! And you thought I'd forgotten. . . .

Blog, you've stood by me through all the ups and downs of life, patiently listening, drafting, and posting without judgment, always willing to lend a binary hand. From the first post, when I had no "clue where I'll be in 6 months or what I'll be doing," to the present, still not having much of a clue what the future holds, you've remained constant, unshakeable.

Oh, if these links could talk. We've had some good times together, you and I, and we've weathered the storm well. Remember back when Blogger joined forces with Google and we had to re-group? Whew, that was a close one. And that time when I decided to update your template? You bore the changes beautifully, without complaint.

But I digress. Here's to you, Blog, and to a beautifully written, well-trafficked future.


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