Sep 22, 2006

a break in the action

So. The past few weeks have been this whirlwind ever since Labor day, the day I met my CORE students -- who, I must say, have been a dream so far. There was all of the freshman orientation stuff to go to, then Gear Up Sunday at church, this big festival. Then last week was Cedar Bend.

Ah, Cedar Bend. . . what can I say about the experience? Again, I had such an amazing time -- it was quite a time driving a people mover full of my core students -- a wild and crazy bunch, I must say. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in one weekend -- everyone is sort of off the wall in a funny, mischevious, random way. It was great to see the group interact and come together as a team. Nate, my PA, was wonderful, he's this big outdoors guy which was great for Cedar Bend and he did a great job with the students. And it was great just to be back at the Bend again, LBH (let's be honest).

I came back from the weekend tired, but not drained -- a great confirmation that I'm working where my passions lie. And God really used that weekend to slow me down a bit, and to really speak to my heart about not worrying about money and provisions, something that had been weighing on me lately (and which was good to trust in once I came back to a car that wouldn't run).

All that to say, I'm still crazy busy right now, but I think things will slow down after this week (I hope), and it's all really worth the effort.


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