Sep 5, 2006


Wow. . . it has been a loooong time since I've updated. Somehow I feel responsible to this thing, to at least make an attempt to be consistent. Now I have Facebook, though, which I vowed never to get, but let's be honest, I'm working with college students this year, I pretty much have to just to still be somewhat cool.

Next thing you know, I'll be getting Myspace -- yikes. (no offense to all you myspace fans out there -- I not only don't like how it looks, I can only keep up so many websites at once to begin with)

Have I mentioned a crapload of things have happened just during this past month?? I started a new job in August, I work for Spring Arbor Free Methodist, half-time as an administrative assistant for adult ministries, and I am also doing an internship overseeing college-age ministries. Whew. It's been a whirlwind month just with that.
And then. . . add on moving a week ago Friday and the frantic week leading up to that of packing, cleaning, arranging, etc. And then unpacking, arranging, etc.
And THEN. . . add in getting asked to teach CORE 100 . . . which I had not anticipated since they had said earlier in the summer they didn't need any more instructors.

So this month has been this intense period of life hitting me all at once. I am still in the shell-shocked, "I'm getting paid to work in ministry?? I get to do what I'm passionate about (young adults)??? I'm teaching CORE???" mode. I am overwhelmed not only by activity (not all the time, just if I let myself think too much ahead), but by how blessed I am! I look back at the past year or so, at coming to SAFMC in January, at this summer and the growth that's happened in these short months, and I realize how much God's been preparing me for this moment. It's like God's saying, OK, go!! Move forward in the gifts, the experiences, the passion I've given you! And I am really busy right now, and I'm tired, but it's soo different than before -- I am doing things I love to do, which is motivating and energizing rather than draining and constantly stressful.

So if you would think of praying for me, you could pray for the college students I'll be in contact with, both in my class and though the church. Pray for balancing teaching and my work at the church, as well as a stubborn commitment to investing daily in my relationship with God through things like prayer and listening. Pray for relationships with friends I have already -- I've moved into an apartment with girls who I know are going to be fabulous but whom I don't know very well, and out of a house of girls with close relationships -- which is hard not seeing them every day to begin with, as well as being inundated with new people left and right at church and at SAU. Plus Tanya, one of my closest friends, left for Peru this month, which is another hard thing for me to process and I don't think that's hit me fully. And pray for boldness -- I am being stretched in great ways, but I have to be willing and obedient -- willing to mess up especially and learn from my mistakes, willing to take risks, obedient to God's leading, in all things.


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