Jun 27, 2006

what is up

Welp (to quote the great Lisa Rowland) . . .
Man, so much has happened in the past few weeks, too much to detail out -- but here's the rundown.
I recently started meeting with Ken Brewer, an SAU prof and an informal mentor, and another SAU student, for inner healing prayer sessions -- long story, but some things kept coming up that made it clear I needed to do this, it's something I'd wanted to do for a while but was too scared to start doing for a while. Anyway, on our June 14 session there was a HUGE breakthrough, which could be the subject of its own blog all by itself, but the basic gist is, there have been some evil spirits oppressing me for years and years, and I was freed from them that night. This wasn't totally a surprise as God had pretty much showed me a few months ago that could be going on, but it was weird, to be honest, although done in a completely biblical manner, which I have always trusted Ken with doing. There is way more I could say, and I welcome any questions or comments as this can be a controversial topic, but I just mention this not to try and get attention, but as a way to praise God for the amazing change He's brought to my life (which has happened in so many ways, again, too much to tell here) and involve you, my friends, in sharing my joy.

So that's the biggest thing that's happened lately. . . other topics worthy to mention include:
Dog-sitting for Ben and Kristin Kriesch -- see my Flickr link for pics of all the fun we've had while they've been away. Their dog Moogie is officially my new best friend, and I am loving having a whole house to myself.
Maria and Robbie are back -- and it has been great hanging out with them. They are so goofy in love!! And are great at coming up with random things to do such as karaoke and watching the harness racing at the fairgrounds.
Quitting -- I put my notice in at my job with Allied yesterday. I am pursuing setting up a part-time internship with Spring Arbor Free Methodist, as well as looking to start the Masters of Spiritual Formation and Leadership online through SAU this fall. And consequently will be looking for a part time job. These are all things I had been mulling over for quite some time, but I got really discouraged and distracted for a while from God's leading and wasn't being very obedient to where He was guiding. I am excited about the new changes, and have so much peace about the decision, but I am also sad to be leaving great co-workers and bosses.
Challenges -- concerns I have for various friends, car repair needs, and general life -- but boy do I have a different attitude towards all these!! I am definitely learning the power and necessity of prayer in all things, and God is giving me the strength and peace to leave those concerns with Him.
Vacation -- next week I'm going with my family to Wisconsin. This will be the first family vacation I've gone on in 4 years -- and the first actual vacation I've taken in about 2 years. Needless to say, I'm excited for the chance to rest and for a chance to see my mom's family.

Consider yourselves updated.


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