May 25, 2006

taking a deep breath

Whew. Today's the last day of work for this week, I'm taking tomorrow off. Good thing, too. I am completely wiped out. This past weekend was another blur in a series of week-long blurs called "spending every moment possible with people before they leave/get married". We had a surprise going-away party for Tanya (she had absolutely no idea -- yessss!!), went out dancing for her "last dance" in Ann Arbor and were out until 5 a.m. . . . went to CAV and hung out afterwards until about midnight. Then started the work week.
I also had a pretty big disappointment on the career front in recent weeks, which I haven't really had a chance to process but which had just added to the tension.
But, what can you do? I can see where I've grown a lot in the past year or so -- back then I probably would have been on shutdown mode and so worn out I'd be sick. Right now I just keep hanging in there, knowing God is with me and has a better clue about things than I do at the moment. And I am cherishing these "last times" together before the big changes come.

And here's something random I keep forgetting to post -- a quote from an article on singleness from a secular, male perspective. A pretty powerful statement on the fallout of sex outside of marriage.

"They thought I was out on the prowl, but I felt like a lone wolf who had lost his appetite for meat. Don't get me wrong, I love sex. But sex without intimacy is like eating candy -- it's not sustenance for the soul, and usually leaves you with a stomach ache the next morning.
Like a lot of men and women these days, I have had relationships, but with nothing leading to marriage it was demoralizing."

from "Being (Happily) Single in a Couples' World"

I love where he mentions "sustenance for the soul" -- how often do we hear that type of honesty in the media from non-Christian sources??

More after the insanity of the weekend, including pictures and the explanation of "Plan S".


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