Jan 31, 2006

ay ay ay

Whoa. I keep reading different blogs and getting frustrated. Today it was the Out of Ur Christianity Today blog, on about 4 main posts about this article by Brian McLaren. And about a billion ridiculous posts that totally blew up into a discourse that mostly missed the point of the original article. Which, ironically, was about pastoring and talked about listening before jumping to giving out pat answers whose applications aren't as black and white as the theology behind them. And how maybe he doesn't have it all figured out.
Anyway. My point is not so much what he even talked about -- I just can't believe the horrible ways Christians can respond to fellow Christians. Well, I mean, I can, but it just disappoints me deeply and makes me sad. Anyway. You can read (hopefully) my response to Brian's response to the responses, once it gets posted.
Which brings up another interesting question. . . how effective are blogs, really, in the area of discourse and exchange of ideas?? I keep seeing more and more that maybe it encourages more passive-agressive attacking of character rather than actual thoughtful exchange of ideas. Maybe it's the medium -- it's easy to sit behind a computer screen and send something off into cyberspace, having had your say but never seeing the effect it has on the actual people it's directed at.
Anyhoo, ramblings.
Heck, I don't care if people agree with me here, go ahead and comment. I don't have to respond or agree either, but if it makes you feel better, go for it. And I'll try to respond as much as I can, just so you know.


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