Dec 6, 2005


I just read this article about how Mars Hill Bible church and some other churches are cancelling their Sunday services this year on Christmas. It's something my roommates and I were discussing a few weeks ago. One of them said, "Man, is it wrong for me not to want to go to church on Christmas?" The article explores that a little -- I mean, personally, I have to be honest when I say I hope my family stays home. It's not like we're going to fall away from "attending church" by not going on Christmas. I think it might be a little different if we had family coming who weren't Christians and we could invite them, but I still think something like the Christmas Eve service we'll go to is better for that sort of invite (with a better chance they would actually come). I think too church leaders should have a break, especially on Christmas, even if at the very least we moved the services to just an evening service or something, if a church is absolutely dying to have one.
I dunno, interesting debate. . . interesting how it is telling about our concepts of church in general.


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