Oct 23, 2005

so it begins (continues?)

Well, since I am doing so well at keeping up with the blog I have at livejournal , she said, tongue in cheek.
Yes, so I've started another blog -- with the intent that this would be a place to specifically discuss my thoughts (and hopefully start some conversations) on ministry, living out my faith, the emerging church, what's happening in the church I am a part of, and whatever else ends up coming out in the process.

The title comes from just this whole stage in my life -- it is pretty much an open road of which I still have much (I hope) left to travel. So many things are changing right at this moment that I haven't a clue where I'll be in 6 months or what I'll be doing. I don't know what ministry will look like for me in this next step I'm beginning. But it is here, and it is coming, and it is given to me to "walk on" (to quote Bono). And in this whole "emerging church" discussion there is the sense that we are just re-learning slowly, that it too is an open road to travel. So hopefully, in all this, we can travel it and learn and grow and be challenged together.

Enjoy the journey.


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