Mar 10, 2006

Here are a few random things for your interest and amusement.

Ask a Ninja -- People ask a ninja questions and he responds. This really makes me laugh!

Some good movies to watch --
Proof with Gwyneth Paltrow, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Anthony Hopkins. A math genius who had (I think) schizophrenia in his later years passes away, and his math genius daughter who took care of him tries to deal with the loss. Throw in a ground-breaking math proof and a love interest (which thankfully was not really the main focus of the movie) and this may become one of my favorite movies of the year.
2001: A Space Odyssey -- This was made back in 1968, before anyone had even been to the moon, and back when special effects were still being developed. Pretty amazing. The book is even better. Yes, the movie is mysterious, but it was intended to be that way.

A quote: "All research, he decided, begins with your imagination and with your intuition, relying heavily on the confictions of the heart." -- from Sufjan Stevens' bio, .


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