Apr 28, 2006

it's been a hard day's night. . .

So, yes, it has been quite a while since I have posted.
I do loan processing at my job, and we're a small company so there is just myself and Monica, who is the best loan processor ever and has been here for 6 years. She is my processing guru. Well, about 7 weeks ago she had her baby, Brody, and left on maternity leave. So that meant I did all the processing for the company, and we just happened to have the most loans going at one time ever. This translates to me being swamped for about 6 weeks solid at work, and since I only have the internet at work (and usually have downtime when it's a normal workload) I haven't really had a chance to update.
Let me try to do this without being too wordy. . .
God is doing a lot. This is not big news, as He is usually up to a lot, but I have personally been challenged to seek out God's reality behind the physical world we see every day. I have become more and more aware of the Ephesians 6, spiritually-laden realities behind everyday situations. I have also been targeted, very specifically, by some of the evil forces, but still God is protecting me and I have a great group of friends praying for me and encouraging me. And I have also been driven to be even more thankful for God's protection and the Holy Spirit's wisdom and power in my own life, especially for the majority of the time that I am not aware of it.
I am also excited about how the Spirit is moving at SAU. Last week I came to a prayer training group that Ken Brewer is leading, and I was surprised first of all by the number of students there. I was also blessed to hear about how God is working through these students in big and small ways, and encouraged to see them uniting together not just to pray, but so that they can make an impact by serving the SAU community and Jackson. This is something I've been praying for SAU about for a while now, because I have been concerned from talking with some of the students that strong spiritual leadership by students has been fading since a number of us graduated a couple of years ago.
And some other random snippets. . .
I don't usually get excited about babies, but man, Monica's baby Brody is awesome! I think it's because she's the first person I've known where I've seen the whole process happen. Anyway. Still doesn't mean I want one, but hey.
"Plan S" (but you have to say it in Spanish) commenced this week. I will not say anything about particulars, but if you know me, you will be surprised. I will have pictures once it is unveiled.

Still no idea what I am doing this summer, or next year. . . there are some possibilities, but nothing even close to being a firm plan. I need to move (the guy who owns our house is going to sell it this fall), but I'm not even sure what to do about that exactly. We shall see.

And finally, some shout outs to Emily and Andrew Smith for the birth of Ailey Kaelyn Smith. Click on her name & check out their website! Also to Matt & Betsey Brown for the birth of Elias. . . keep him in your prayers, everything looks fine so far but they will be watching him as he develops because of some brain damage from water on the brain.
It still never ceases to be weird when I hear of friends (some younger than I am) having kids. . . yikes.

That's it for now -- peace & grace be with you!


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