Jun 2, 2006

adios, adios, que te vayas bien

Yesterday was a bittersweet day. . . we saw the FMWM Chile DREAM team off to the airport. There are 12 young adults heading off to Chile until August 4 to work with local church planters in Santiago -- what an exciting opportunity!

It was harder for my friends and I to watch our roommate and one of our best friends, Tanya Metzler, leave for the trip. Tanya is also going to Chile, but once she returns, she'll be home for about 10 days and then will leave again to go to Tacna, Peru for 18 months as a VISA missionary. It's hard to watch someone you've lived with, worked with in ministry, and had such a good friendship with, leave for that type of trip. We'll see her again in August, but as she said, "it's just a visit" this time, and her room in the house is now bare and lonely.

Please pray for Tanya as she is raising the last of her support and as she is on the Chile trip and preparing for Peru. And pray for our circle of friends -- it's been a big week of changes with Maria getting married and moving out, and with Tanya moving out and a number of our other close friends being gone on the Chile trip as well. It's good change but hard change.


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